
Monday, January 31, 2011

1st feb 2011

february muncul kembali..
pejam celik pejam celik da msuk feb..
now da msuk hari ke 4 mid term break..
tp tahap kemalasan aku begitu tnggi..
aku belum start lg apa yg aku plan,
aku nk study n nk siapkan notes tyme cuti ni..
aishhh teruk betul,lagha sngt..
ape la nk jadi dgn aku..
proposal biochem xbuat lg,assignment csc ada 30% lg xsiap..
luse da nk blik trngganu jmpa mak ayah..
tlgla fidah jgn terlalu malas..

this sem more tougher than last plz jgn main2..
even lecturer asyik cancel cls je tp plz jgn buang masa.. 

hafal amino acids,hafal genetic code..
hafal DNA n RNA
,hafal replication of DNA,
hafal transcription of mRNA n 
hafal translation of amino acids..
plz!plz!remember n understand it..this is basic..
u are biomolecular student..dont make it easier..
u must master all these things..master in all methods..

this sem to many practical n to many lab session.. 
sometimes its quite bore cz its really time consuming..
sometimes one experiment need about 1 month..
n we need to submit a quite thick reports.. 
but i know i x boley mengeluh...
students science mmg cmni..
life with experiments,lab report,research,
new finding,new technology,new methods..

so plz learn by ur heart..

Saturday, January 29, 2011

if we ever meet again

ok after 4 years we meet again.. 
begin with new story,new hopes n new dreams..
i thought we never meet again..  
but unexpected we meet again.. 
after for a long tyme u still wait for me..
im speechless, when u propose me.. 

11/1/11 our first meet after a long tyme..
n on the date everything begin..
drastic change in my world..
from a immature person i learn how to be more mature..
he teach me how to love someone with full hearted..
from a childish girl, i will become his fiancĂ©e.. 
now i knew i need u n u will never be replaced..
u fill my heart n i like u.. 
my world change after u enter my life..

erm,thanks for yesterday..  
thanks for a sweet ring from Poh Kong,
thanks for a cute star watch from Alba
n a comfort sandal from Ersali..
thanks a lot my dear..
i will take care all the gifts from u..
i will appreciate u n never let u hurt again..
sorry for the last 4 years ago..

dedicated to: mohd shahrunysham bin mohd said
sincerely from: rafidah binti zakaria

Saturday, January 8, 2011

1st week:2011

1st week, new sem, new year, new stOry..
new friends, new lecturers, new subjects, new environments..
learning new subjects, new language, new techniques, new experiments..
i need to be prepared all the times..
its quite horror my lecturers in this sem quite strict,cerewet n bla bla..
the reality is this sem is more tougher than last sem..
these subjects  agak menakutkan..terpaksa bermukim di lab berjam2 lamanya..
to get accurate results, to learn how to handle everthing,
to learn how to extract protein, how to purify it..
sy akan berbaik2 dgn lecturer n lantakla org nk ckp i kaki kipas ke ape..
do i care!janji  i x menyusahkan sape2..

1st week full with story..jumpa juniors from jengka, sharing the knowledge..
share the story about jengka n shah alam..its bit different.need to adapt slowly..
happy sngt dpt jumpa kwn2 dri jengka:
my YDP:syakirin anuar,bojang gaga, luqmanul hakim,arif,anip n others..
yg pasti sngt teruja bila TUN DR Mahathir lalu depan mata utk function di DSB..
the happiest n memorable is sy terjumpa Lecturer Bel: MR rosdin!
 fyi, i really admirer him since part 1..
he still remember me n save my no.he still sngt kiut n chubby as before..

ok 1st experience bw moto from batu3 ke uitm..n as i thought i will lost..
even da berthun stil xkenal..1st tyme ok!
pusing punya pusing at last berjaya gak my ex5  tu sampai kolej melati..
sngt takut bw moto di wonder la apek marah sngt kalo i nk bw moto ke uitm..
n seriously i xkan bw moto lg.penakut! kalo nk blik batu3 i will call my sis..

lepak with  bff wan ridhwan n his housemate aus hatta yg comey..
blaja rajin2 yea apek!nanti kita convo together2..inshaallah.. 
hang out with nabilah at mid valley..jln2 n shopping sket di mid..
terjmpa sorng ank omputih yg sngt comey..
rambut kerinting coklat cam puyol n pipi merah cam terlebey blusher..
GERAM SNGT!if i have child like him aku cubit2 pipi dia..
naik gile tgk sale till xmampu nk beli bnyk2..
bru 1st week kot da beratus habis, nk beli buku lagi nnt..
i have another 5 months ok before semester break again..
n i need to spend more money n dont over waste it..jgn nk menyusahkan mak ayh ok!

2nd week will  coming with new story that we never know yet..
hopefully it much better than 1st week..hopefully i can learn n understand more..
these experience teach me the mean of life, how to compete with others..

~ sekian, celoteh sy pada minggu ini..
~ miss my little adam, bonda n ayahanda.harap sihat selalu..

Saturday, January 1, 2011

new sem, new mission!

new sem will coming soon..we will start our lecture on 3rd jan 2011..
this is my 3rd sem in degree of biomolecular..i hope this sem much better than last sem..
this sem same goes with last sem, 7 SUBJECTS n 22 credit hOurs..
hopefully, we can learn smoothly n of course i will try more harder to grab dean list..
i thought all students wanna get the excellent resul..our parents will proud if we get it! inshaallah..

"banyak mana yg kita usahakn,bnyk tu lah Allah akan bls"
kalo ko mls usaha, doa bnyk mane pun..jgn harap ko dpt..
tu basic semua org perlu thu.sape yg rajin usaha dia yg dpt..
n pesanan from en.KA n madam chew pls learn by your heart n u will deserve for it..

this sem ade 4 subject yg berkaitan dgn biomolecular,2 subject elective n the other is 3rd language..

~ METHOD IN BIOMOLECULAR 1 (4 credit hours)
~ ECONOMY (3 crdt hours)
~ ARABIC LANGUAGE 1 (2 crdt hours)

subject yg aku paling suke fermentation..sah mmg bnyk gle kena hafal steps..

antara subject yg aku agak cuak ialah computer programming..mmg aku ada basic tyme dip dulu tp aku mmg xpndai pasal programming..lecturer ajar dpn pun mmg xfhm..aku hrp subject ni aku ok..hukhuk.
n ni 1st tyme students sains akn blja economy..mmg kena hafal term bisnes nnt..
my sis ckp senang je economy n aku pun rase basic je ni..ok economy n programming 3 crdt hours.kalo dpt bwh B mmg effect result..hrp2 dpt blja dgn baik n jgn malas..
yg penting kurangkan tdO plzz...hopefully dpt lecturer  n classmates yg best!!amin.. 


Ok activity for today,get fun at sunway lagoon..its was awesome!!
sngt ramai manusia kat tmpt ni..mybe weekends n today is new year:1111!!
tp diteruskan jua..pasal alang2 duit pt da msuk n esok2 da start new sem..
so mybe xde masa nk berkunjung tiba apabila asgnments n test berbundle..
Ok,frankly speaking sunway lagoon remind me to him..
actually bermukim utk 3 years di sh.alm lg buatkan aku susah nk lupekan die..
everything,everywhere places area sh.alm ni..
haiyoo ..parah ni..TOLONGGG!!
da terlebey ni bkn nk cite pasal die pun.sudahla!lupakan dia!
 i wanna uploadkan some photos yg smpat dicapture td..

ok starting damia sebuk nk bertatih. 

1st game.xmencabar quiet ok. 

2nd:naik boat keliling sungai rajang.muke sengal. 

explore wildlife park jap n its raining for a while. suke this close to nature. 

wetland.main waterfall tipu2 tp agak damia da kesejukan.

pose pasal background cantek.wave land konon.. 

with love sincerely from me kpd sape yg rase disayangi. 

last pic:1st tyme tgk abg aus senyum ikhlas.teruja la tu jmpe khairul fahmi.i xheran pun die swimming sebelah je td..

mood: very tired day but bombastic..
tp xpuas hti xdpt main semua pasal mls nk beratur n bile ptg je hujan..

moral of the story: jgn bw budak kecik g tmpt cmni.xdpt nk main semua..hee
n jgn amik gmbr di tmpt berair pasal camera hmpir rosak.. 
g tmpt cmni mmg best tp sngt lagha.da la cuci mata jer..aishh 
